Install ffmpeg on CentOS/RHEL i386 via rpm

Source: Vikrant

This actually was the only thing that worked exactly like i wanted.

How to Install ffmpeg?

Hi Folks,

I have spent hell three hours on finding the quick ffmpeg installer, and on my system YUM is also not working
I guess this similar kind of problem will be there with you also. Following are the easy stpes to install FFMPEG on your sever
My System is RedHat EL 4.

FFMPEG installation for RedHat EL 4 - i386
This installation will run probably for all i386 systems.


Get sample MPEG file

Convert MPEG from FLV
ffmpeg -i FORM.MPG -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -aspect 4:3 -y

Convert IMAGE From FLV
ffmpeg -i FORM.flv -deinterlace -an -ss 1 -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -y -s 320×240 -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg form.jpg

RPMS Taken From

ffmpeg help Articles

Tags: Linux ffmpeg centos rhel rpm