HOW TO: SSH script freeze FIX
hit control+c if script seems to stop working...
A web and systems development journal (from a–too busy–web developer who does a lot of various IT work.)
hit control+c if script seems to stop working...
Below are the Minimum Settings for proper security on your server. Failure to do so may (take this seriously) result in either server termination and/or support time charged to locate spamming issues and or hacks and kiddie scripts and hacks. This will also repair and keep repaired Fantastico if you are having the sourceguardian issue.
After a recent update to cPanel/WHM 9.9.9, outgoing emails stopped working on the RHE server (CentOS server wasn't affected).
Found this fix:
if that doesn't work... do
# find . -exec grep 'text to find' {} \; -print 2>/dev/null
MysqlConnectClass (good explanation of thinking the OOP way):
Advanced PHP Resources: