
Magento 1.4 product-name quotes are converted to html and then escaped

After upgrading from magento 1.3 to 1.4, if your product headings used quotes " " or ampersands & , then magento may convert these into HTML and then escape that HTML counterparts hence showing e.g.:

"Thermo Balance" Tub & Shower Valve Rough In Valve


"Thermo Balance" Tub & Shower Valve Rough In Valve

The fix is to go into "view.phtml" and change:

            <h1 class="product-name">
<?php echo $_helper->productAttribute($_product, $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName()), 'name') ?>



            <h1 class="product-name">
<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName())?>


Tags: howto magento

New Server Checklist for directadmin (2009)

-Add all your ips in directadmin under "IP management"
(and assign 2 ips to admin)

-Register nameserver at registrar
( is my fav; is the worst for this... it's not longer an option you can click on the website, you have to send an email request for this)

-Add nameservers to server:
1. go to user level, and add the new domain you registered (leave default settings, and tweak them after)
2. go back to reseller level, and click "nameserver" and select 2 ips you want to use and click "create" then set the 2 new nameservers for "Set the Nameservers that will be assigned to new users" (it should be added by default)

-Share nameserver ips (so you're able to add other domains to them):

Tags: Server howto linux server