HOW-TO: Setting up Nameservers w/o Using Primary Server IP
There have been a number of threads with various bits and pieces of this process, but I haven't seen the entire thing in one place, so here goes. As always, modifying your server is done at your own risk and I accept no responsibility for anything that may happen.
Note: This walkthrough assumes that you already have the domain registered and pointed to RackShack's nameservers that you wish to use in this process.
Step 1:
Request 2 additional IP addresses from RackShack. You can either do it through the members area, or send an email to [email protected].
Step 2:
Once you have received the two new IP addresses, create a Host Record for using the first IP address and using the second IP address with the registrar for
Step 3:
While waiting for that to propagate through the 'net (24-48 hours), login to the member's area and create a trouble ticket to add and to RackShack's DNS.
Step 4:
Since RackShack doesn't bind the IP addresses to your server, you need to do that manually.
Log into your server as su and executed the following commands:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:0
cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:1
pico /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0
Modify DEVICE="eth0" to read DEVICE="eth0:0"
Modify IPADDR="[Server IP]" to read IPADDR="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the first IP address received from RackShack.
Ctrl-X and save.
pico /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1
Modify DEVICE="eth0" to read DEVICE="eth0:1"
Modify IPADDR="[Server IP]" to read IPADDR="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the second IP address received from RackShack.
Ctrl-X and save.
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup eth0:0
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup eth0:1
cd /etc/bind
pico /etc/bind/options.conf.wp
Make sure that all of the IP addresses are listed in the file. The order should be Primary IP Address, NS1 IP Address, NS2 IP Address
Ctrl-X and save.
Step 5:
Now that you've bound the IP addresses to your server, you need to create the address records for the two new nameservers. Login to your Ensim Site Administrator for
Modify the Bind DNS properties for to create an A record for (set IP address to first IP address received from RackShack).
Modify the Bind DNS properties for to create an A record for (set IP address to second IP address received from RackShack).
Step 6:
Wait for host information to finish propagating throughout Internet. You may want to use the free Visualroute Servers to verify the host records have propagated.
Step 7:
Now that the information has propagated, login to your Ensim Site Administrator Control Panel for Access the Bind DNS properties and set the Primary Master Server to and set the Secondary (Virtual) Server to
Step 8:
If necessary, you may need to modify the settings for any zones that already exist on your server. Here's a checklist of things to check for each zone:
Replace SOA Master Name Server with
Add NS record for
Add NS record for
Remove NS record for
Step 9:
Once you've completed making changes to the Bind DNS Properties, you will need to stop and start the Bind DNS Service (Note: The Restart won't work)
Step 10:
Submit modifications with registrar for any domains that you wish to point to new NameServers
Step 11:
Submit a trouble ticket to RackShack and request removal of all DNS information for and any other domains that you wish to point to the new NameServers.
Step 12:
After waiting around 24-48 hours for all DNS information to propagate, you can verify that the NameServers are working correctly by logging into your server as su and executing the following command:
dig where is a domain that you have pointed to your new NameServers.
You should see that the information reported back shows only your nameservers. If it shows or, you'll need to contact RackShack and have them remove your domains from their DNS.
That's it! You should now have your own NameServers running on different IP's from the Server IP.
A web and systems development journal (from a–too busy–web developer who does a lot of various IT work.)