Recently, one of our clients asked to have custom tracking code implemented into their form submissions.
Since the client's site is built on Drupal, all forms are dynamically generated using the Webform module.
Their marketing company instructed us to add an 'onclick' code to
<input type="submit" class="form-submit" value="Receive Coupons" id="edit-submit" name="op" onclick=tracking("track_submit_quote") />
However, since the Webform module creates all forms dynamically, there was no convenient way of hard coding the code into the form... i.e. there was no way for this to be done via webform admin.
Nevertheless, after some research, we can easily accomplish this via 'drupal_add_js' and jquery by adding the below code into the 'description' field of the webform:
<?phpdrupal_add_js( '$(function () { // make this code initialize when DOM loads $("#edit-submit").submit(function () { // optional: replace "#edit-submit" with whatever CSS selector you want (ex: form, ID or class) tracking("track_submit_quote"); // add custom function here });});;','inline');?>
'drupal_add_js' puts the code in 'head' and uses 'submit' instead of 'click' ...
we can use 'click' on specific links like so:
<?phpdrupal_add_js( '$(function () { $("a[href=\'<a href=""></a>\']").click(function () { tracking("track_submit_site"); });});;','inline');?>