
How to install an SVN version of Apache using Directadmin Custombuild

This is a quick guide to help out those trying to install an NON-RELEASE version of apache. It was made due to intermittent crashes of apache 2.4.25 with HTTP2 on CentOS with DirectAdmin.

You can see the changelog here:


Here is the DirectAdmin discussion this was first reported on:



Here's the fix:

Tags: apache http2 DirectAdmin centos

How to install Apache Solr 5.x for use with Drupal

Here's the updated version on how-to install Apache Solr 5.x and get it running with Drupal (WITHOUT Apache Tomcat; as Solr 5.x doesn't support Tomcat anymore).

Install Java 1.8

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
# or
aptitude install java8-jdk

Create a symlink to wherever your /etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc has

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk

set to.

Tags: apache apache solr Drupal Server admin

Speed up and secure Apache SSL encryption.

By default apache loads a bunch of encryption protocols. Most of which either are insecure and/or slow.

The location of these settings are based on DirectAdmin's Apache 2.4.x, however, you should easily be able to locate them in your apache .conf files.

vi /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Set Apache to only use the fastest and best encryption algorithms.

Now comment out the default SSL settings and add new ones as shown below:

Tags: apache SSL security performance

Disable IE "compatibility mode" through .htaccess

Internet Explorer "compatibility mode" is that dreadful page icon, inconveniently placed right next to the refresh button/icon.

What it does is turn IE 8 or higher into an outdated browser, so it can properly display really old school websites that were, likely, built using invalid and/or outdated HTML code. It's a horrible feature, that I see no practical use for whatsoever. Plus it's easy to accidentally click it, because it's located a few pixels away from the refresh button--talk about non-intuitive...


This is how you disable IE compatability mode on your website.

  In your .htaccess insert the following:

Header set X-UA-Compatible "IE=9; IE=8; IE=7;IE=edge"

Woooo! We're done. That dumb IE compatibility mode icon won't show ever again.


Tags: Server apache IE Web Development