apache solr

How to install Apache Solr 5.x for use with Drupal

Here's the updated version on how-to install Apache Solr 5.x and get it running with Drupal (WITHOUT Apache Tomcat; as Solr 5.x doesn't support Tomcat anymore).

Install Java 1.8

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
# or
aptitude install java8-jdk

Create a symlink to wherever your /etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc has

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk

set to.

Tags: apache apache solr Drupal Server admin

How to install Apache Solr 3.x for Drupal 7 or Drupal 6

First we'll need to install Java 1.6 JDK, and be on PHP 5.2 or higher (You can check my PHP installation tutorial here. Also I'm on CentOS.

Install Java 1.6 JDK

yum install java-1.6*

Install Apache Solr

We're going to install Apache Solr into /usr/local/share; however you can install it somewhere else if you'd like (e.g. install it in the root dir / )

cd /usr/local/share

Download Apache Solr. We're going to use the latest version at the time of this writing: Apache Solr 3.5. Look for the latest version here: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/solr/

Tags: Server Drupal linux server apache solr solr