
HOW-TO: create a Drupal views block to display the current node content

In views section, for an existing view or newly created one, do the following:

  1. Click "Add" > "Block"
  2. Fill in whatever you normally would do in views (this is beyond the scope of this tutorial)
  3. Under "Contextual Filters" > click "Add" >  "Content: Nid" > "Provide default value" > "Content ID from URL"

And that's that... 

Tags: Drupal Views

Increase Limit of Drupal Views Exposed Group Filters sort order

My original post: Exposed filters group: increase weight sort count (#delta)

This still hasn't been fixed at the time of this writing. So here we go...

Sort breaks, and does unpredictable sorting, if you use more than 20 options. E.g. say you have have an exposed grouped filter with a price drop down of more than 20 options, sorting will not work after 20 items, it will always spit out a different order than what you specify.

The fix

Edit the following Views module file:


Look for this:

'#delta' => 10

Replace with this:

'#delta' => 60
Tags: Drupal Views module